/*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Get case descriptions from data file */ /* -------------------------------------- */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "defns.i" #include "types.i" #include "extern.i" #define Inc 2048 /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Read raw case descriptions from file with given extension. */ /* */ /* On completion, cases are stored in array Item in the form */ /* of Descriptions (i.e. arrays of attribute values), and */ /* MaxItem is set to the number of data items. */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ GetData(Extension) /* -------- */ String Extension; { FILE *Df, *fopen(); char Fn[100]; ItemNo i = 0, j, ItemSpace = 0; Description GetDescription(); /* Open data file */ strcpy(Fn, FileName); strcat(Fn, Extension); if (!(Df = fopen(Fn, "r"))) Error(0, Fn, ""); do { MaxItem = i; /* Make sure there is room for another item */ if (i >= ItemSpace) { if (ItemSpace) { ItemSpace += Inc; Item = (Description *) realloc(Item, ItemSpace * sizeof(Description)); } else { Item = (Description *) malloc((ItemSpace = Inc) * sizeof(Description)); } } Item[i] = GetDescription(Df); } while (Item[i] != Nil && ++i); fclose(Df); MaxItem = i - 1; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Read a raw case description from file Df. */ /* */ /* For each attribute, read the attribute value from the file. */ /* If it is a discrete valued attribute, find the associated no. */ /* of this attribute value (if the value is unknown this is 0). */ /* */ /* Returns the Description of the case (i.e. the array of */ /* attribute values). */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Description GetDescription(Df) /* --------------- */ FILE *Df; { Attribute Att; char name[500], *endname, *CopyString(); Boolean ReadName(); int Dv; float Cv; Description Dvec; double strtod(); if (ReadName(Df, name)) { Dvec = (Description) calloc(MaxAtt + 2, sizeof(AttValue)); ForEach(Att, 0, MaxAtt) { if (SpecialStatus[Att] == IGNORE) { /* Skip this value */ DVal(Dvec, Att) = 0; } else if (MaxAttVal[Att] || SpecialStatus[Att] == DISCRETE) { /* Discrete value */ if (!(strcmp(name, "?"))) { Dv = 0; } else { Dv = Which(name, AttValName[Att], 1, MaxAttVal[Att]); if (!Dv) { if (SpecialStatus[Att] == DISCRETE) { /* Add value to list */ Dv = ++MaxAttVal[Att]; if (Dv > (int) AttValName[Att][0]) { printf("\nToo many values for %s (max %d)\n", AttName[Att], (int) AttValName[Att][0]); exit(1); } AttValName[Att][Dv] = CopyString(name); } else { Error(4, AttName[Att], name); } } } DVal(Dvec, Att) = Dv; } else { /* Continuous value */ if (!(strcmp(name, "?"))) { Cv = Unknown; } else { Cv = strtod(name, &endname); if (endname == name || *endname != '\0') Error(4, AttName[Att], name); } CVal(Dvec, Att) = Cv; } ReadName(Df, name); } if ((Dv = Which(name, ClassName, 0, MaxClass)) < 0) { Error(5, "", name); Dv = 0; } Class(Dvec) = Dv; return Dvec; } else { return Nil; } }