/*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Main routine, c4.5 */ /* ------------------ */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "defns.i" #include "types.i" #include /* External data, described in extern.i */ short MaxAtt, MaxClass, MaxDiscrVal = 2; ItemNo MaxItem; Description *Item; DiscrValue *MaxAttVal; char *SpecialStatus; String *ClassName, *AttName, **AttValName, FileName = "DF"; short VERBOSITY = 0, TRIALS = 10; Boolean GAINRATIO = true, SUBSET = false, BATCH = true, UNSEENS = false, PROBTHRESH = false; ItemNo MINOBJS = 2, WINDOW = 0, INCREMENT = 0; float CF = 0.25; Tree *Pruned; Boolean AllKnown = true; main(Argc, Argv) /* ---- */ int Argc;char *Argv[]; { int o; extern char *optarg; extern int optind; Boolean FirstTime = true; short Best, BestTree(); PrintHeader("decision tree generator"); (void) omp_set_dynamic(0); if (omp_get_dynamic()) {printf("Warning: dynamic adjustment of threads has been set\n");} (void) omp_set_num_threads(2); printf("nr threads = %d\n", omp_get_num_threads()); /* Process options */ while ((o = getopt(Argc, Argv, "f:bupv:t:w:i:gsm:c:")) != EOF) { if (FirstTime) { printf("\n Options:\n"); FirstTime = false; } switch (o) { case 'f': FileName = optarg; printf("\tFile stem <%s>\n", FileName); break; case 'b': BATCH = true; printf("\tWindowing disabled (now the default)\n"); break; case 'u': UNSEENS = true; printf("\tTrees evaluated on unseen cases\n"); break; case 'p': PROBTHRESH = true; printf("\tProbability thresholds used\n"); break; case 'v': VERBOSITY = atoi(optarg); printf("\tVerbosity level %d\n", VERBOSITY); break; case 't': TRIALS = atoi(optarg); printf("\tWindowing enabled with %d trials\n", TRIALS); Check(TRIALS, 1, 10000) ; BATCH = false; break; case 'w': WINDOW = atoi(optarg); printf("\tInitial window size of %d items\n", WINDOW); Check(WINDOW, 1, 1000000) ; BATCH = false; break; case 'i': INCREMENT = atoi(optarg); printf("\tMaximum window increment of %d items\n", INCREMENT); Check(INCREMENT, 1, 1000000) ; BATCH = false; break; case 'g': GAINRATIO = false; printf("\tGain criterion used\n"); break; case 's': SUBSET = true; printf("\tTests on discrete attribute groups\n"); break; case 'm': MINOBJS = atoi(optarg); printf("\tSensible test requires 2 branches with >=%d cases\n", MINOBJS); Check(MINOBJS, 1, 1000000) ; break; case 'c': CF = atof(optarg); printf("\tPruning confidence level %g%%\n", CF); Check(CF, Epsilon, 100) ; CF /= 100; break; case '?': printf("unrecognised option\n"); exit(1); } } /* Initialise */ GetNames(); //printf(">>>the force is with us\n"); GetData(".data"); //printf(">>>the force is with us222\n"); printf("\nRead %d cases (%d attributes) from %s.data\n", MaxItem + 1, MaxAtt + 1, FileName); /* Build decision trees */ if (BATCH) { TRIALS = 1; OneTree_Discr(); //OneTree(); Best = 0; } else { Best = BestTree(); } /* Soften thresholds in best tree */ if (PROBTHRESH) { printf("Softening thresholds"); if (!BATCH) printf(" for best tree from trial %d", Best); printf("\n"); SoftenThresh(Pruned[Best]); printf("\n"); PrintTree(Pruned[Best]); } /* Save best tree */ if (BATCH || TRIALS == 1) { printf("\nTree saved\n"); } else { printf("\nBest tree from trial %d saved\n", Best); } SaveTree(Pruned[Best], ".tree"); /* Evaluation */ printf("\n\nEvaluation on training data (%d items):\n", MaxItem + 1); Evaluate(false, Best); if (UNSEENS) { GetData(".test"); printf("\nEvaluation on test data (%d items):\n", MaxItem + 1); Evaluate(true, Best); } exit(0); }