/*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Central tree-forming algorithm incorporating all criteria */ /* --------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "defns.i" #include "types.i" #include "extern.i" //#include "buildex.i" #include #define MAX_DISCR_VAL 50 #define MAX_CLASS 50 #define MAX_ATT 50 ItemCount *Weight, /* Weight[i] = current fraction of item i */ **Freq, /* Freq[x][c] = no. items of class c with outcome x */ *ValFreq, /* ValFreq[x] = no. items with outcome x */ *ClassFreq; /* ClassFreq[c] = no. items of class c */ float *Gain, /* Gain[a] = info gain by split on att a */ *Info, /* Info[a] = potential info of split on att a */ *Bar, /* Bar[a] = best threshold for contin att a */ *UnknownRate; /* UnknownRate[a] = current unknown rate for att a */ Boolean *Tested, /* Tested[a] set if att a has already been tested */ MultiVal; /* true when all atts have many values */ /* External variables initialised here */ extern float *SplitGain, /* SplitGain[i] = gain with att value of item i as threshold */ *SplitInfo; /* SplitInfo[i] = potential info ditto */ extern ItemCount *Slice1, /* Slice1[c] = saved values of Freq[x][c] in subset.c */ *Slice2; /* Slice2[c] = saved values of Freq[y][c] */ extern Set **Subset; /* Subset[a][s] = subset s for att a */ extern short *Subsets; /* Subsets[a] = no. subsets for att a */ /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Allocate space for tree tables */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ InitialiseTreeData() /* ------------------ */ { DiscrValue v; Attribute a; Tested = (char *) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(char)); Gain = (float *) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(float)); Info = (float *) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(float)); Bar = (float *) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(float)); Subset = (Set **) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(Set *)); ForEach(a, 0, MaxAtt) { if (MaxAttVal[a]) { Subset[a] = (Set *) calloc(MaxDiscrVal + 1, sizeof(Set)); ForEach(v, 0, MaxAttVal[a]) { Subset[a][v] = (Set) malloc((MaxAttVal[a] >> 3) + 1); } } } Subsets = (short *) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(short)); SplitGain = (float *) calloc(MaxItem + 1, sizeof(float)); SplitInfo = (float *) calloc(MaxItem + 1, sizeof(float)); Weight = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxItem + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); Freq = (ItemCount **) calloc(MaxDiscrVal + 1, sizeof(ItemCount *)); ForEach(v, 0, MaxDiscrVal) { Freq[v] = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); } ValFreq = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxDiscrVal + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); ClassFreq = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); Slice1 = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 2, sizeof(ItemCount)); Slice2 = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 2, sizeof(ItemCount)); UnknownRate = (float *) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(float)); /* Check whether all attributes have many discrete values */ MultiVal = true; if (!SUBSET) { for (a = 0; MultiVal && a <= MaxAtt; a++) { if (SpecialStatus[a] != IGNORE) { MultiVal = MaxAttVal[a] >= 0.3 * (MaxItem + 1); } } } } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Initialise the weight of each item */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ InitialiseWeights() /* ----------------- */ { ItemNo i; ForEach(i, 0, MaxItem) { Weight[i] = 1.0; } } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Build a decision tree for the cases Fp through Lp: */ /* */ /* - if all cases are of the same class, the tree is a leaf and so */ /* the leaf is returned labelled with this class */ /* */ /* - for each attribute, calculate the potential information provided */ /* by a test on the attribute (based on the probabilities of each */ /* case having a particular value for the attribute), and the gain */ /* in information that would result from a test on the attribute */ /* (based on the probabilities of each case with a particular */ /* value for the attribute being of a particular class) */ /* */ /* - on the basis of these figures, and depending on the current */ /* selection criterion, find the best attribute to branch on. */ /* Note: this version will not allow a split on an attribute */ /* unless two or more subsets have at least MINOBJS items. */ /* */ /* - try branching and test whether better than forming a leaf */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ Tree FormTree(Fp, Lp) /* --------- */ ItemNo Fp, Lp; { ItemNo i, Kp, Ep, Group(); ItemCount Cases, NoBestClass, KnownCases, CountItems(); float Factor, BestVal, Val, AvGain = 0, Worth(); Attribute Att, BestAtt, Possible = 0; ClassNo c, BestClass; Tree Node, Leaf(); DiscrValue v; Boolean PrevAllKnown; Cases = CountItems(Fp, Lp); /* Generate the class frequency distribution */ // ########### begin parallel region ############## // //#pragma omp parallel default(shared) //{ //printf("The parallel region is executed by thread %d\n", omp_get_thread_num()); /* THIS CAN BE PARALELIZED */ //#pragma omp for private(c) ForEach(c, 0, MaxClass) { ClassFreq[c] = 0; } /* THIS CAN BE PARALELIZED */ //#pragma omp for private(i) ForEach(i, Fp, Lp) { //#pragma omp atomic ClassFreq[Class(Item[i])] += Weight[i]; } //} /* Find the most frequent class */ /* THIS CAN BE PARALELIZED */ BestClass = 0; ForEach(c, 0, MaxClass) { if (ClassFreq[c] > ClassFreq[BestClass]) { BestClass = c; } } NoBestClass = ClassFreq[BestClass]; Node = Leaf(ClassFreq, BestClass, Cases, Cases - NoBestClass); /* If all cases are of the same class or there are not enough cases to divide, the tree is a leaf */ if (NoBestClass == Cases || Cases < 2 * MINOBJS) { return Node; } Verbosity(1) printf("\n%d items, total weight %.1f\n", Lp - Fp + 1, Cases); /* For each available attribute, find the information and gain */ ForEach(Att, 0, MaxAtt) { Gain[Att] = -Epsilon; if (SpecialStatus[Att] == IGNORE) continue; if (MaxAttVal[Att]) { /* discrete valued attribute */ if (SUBSET && MaxAttVal[Att] > 2) { EvalSubset(Att, Fp, Lp, Cases); } else if (!Tested[Att]) { EvalDiscreteAtt(Att, Fp, Lp, Cases); } } else { /* continuous attribute */ EvalContinuousAtt(Att, Fp, Lp); } /* Update average gain, excluding attributes with very many values */ if (Gain[Att] > -Epsilon && (MultiVal || MaxAttVal[Att] < 0.3 * (MaxItem + 1))) { Possible++; AvGain += Gain[Att]; } } /* Find the best attribute according to the given criterion */ BestVal = -Epsilon; BestAtt = None; AvGain = (Possible ? AvGain / Possible : 1E6); Verbosity(2) { if (AvGain < 1E6) printf("\taverage gain %.3f\n", AvGain); } ForEach(Att, 0, MaxAtt) { if (Gain[Att] > -Epsilon) { Val = Worth(Info[Att], Gain[Att], AvGain); if (Val > BestVal) { BestAtt = Att; BestVal = Val; } } } /* Decide whether to branch or not */ if (BestAtt != None) { Verbosity(1) { printf("\tbest attribute %s", AttName[BestAtt]); if (!MaxAttVal[BestAtt]) { printf(" cut %.3f", Bar[BestAtt]); } printf(" inf %.3f gain %.3f val %.3f\n", Info[BestAtt], Gain[BestAtt], BestVal); } /* Build a node of the selected test */ if (MaxAttVal[BestAtt]) { /* Discrete valued attribute */ if (SUBSET && MaxAttVal[BestAtt] > 2) { SubsetTest(Node, BestAtt); } else { DiscreteTest(Node, BestAtt); } } else { /* Continuous attribute */ ContinTest(Node, BestAtt); } /* Remove unknown attribute values */ PrevAllKnown = AllKnown; Kp = Group(0, Fp, Lp, Node) + 1; if (Kp != Fp) AllKnown = false; KnownCases = Cases - CountItems(Fp, Kp - 1); UnknownRate[BestAtt] = (Cases - KnownCases) / (Cases + 0.001); Verbosity(1) { if (UnknownRate[BestAtt] > 0) { printf("\tunknown rate for %s = %.3f\n", AttName[BestAtt], UnknownRate[BestAtt]); } } /* Recursive divide and conquer */ ++Tested[BestAtt]; Ep = Kp - 1; Node->Errors = 0; ForEach(v, 1, Node->Forks) { Ep = Group(v, Kp, Lp, Node); if (Kp <= Ep) { Factor = CountItems(Kp, Ep) / KnownCases; ForEach(i, Fp, Kp-1) { Weight[i] *= Factor; } Node->Branch[v] = FormTree(Fp, Ep); Node->Errors += Node->Branch[v]->Errors; Group(0, Fp, Ep, Node); ForEach(i, Fp, Kp-1) { Weight[i] /= Factor; } } else { Node->Branch[v] = Leaf(Node->ClassDist, BestClass, 0.0, 0.0); } } --Tested[BestAtt]; AllKnown = PrevAllKnown; /* See whether we would have been no worse off with a leaf */ if (Node->Errors >= Cases - NoBestClass - Epsilon) { Verbosity(1) printf("Collapse tree for %d items to leaf %s\n", Lp - Fp + 1, ClassName[BestClass]); Node->NodeType = 0; } } else { Verbosity(1) printf("\tno sensible splits %.1f/%.1f\n", Cases, Cases - NoBestClass); } return Node; } Tree FormTree_Discr(Fp, Lp) /* --------- */ ItemNo Fp, Lp; { ItemNo i, Kp, Ep, Group(); ItemCount Cases, NoBestClass, KnownCases, CountItems(); float Factor, BestVal, Val, AvGain = 0, Worth(); Attribute Att, BestAtt, Possible = 0; ClassNo c, BestClass; Tree Node, Leaf(); DiscrValue v; Boolean PrevAllKnown; ItemCount** Freq_discr, *ValFreq_discr; float* UnknownRate_discr; Cases = CountItems(Fp, Lp); /* Generate the class frequency distribution */ // ########### begin parallel region ############## // //#pragma omp parallel //{ //printf("The parallel region is executed by thread %d\n", omp_get_thread_num()); /* THIS CAN BE PARALELIZED */ //#pragma omp for private(c) ForEach(c, 0, MaxClass) { ClassFreq[c] = 0; } /* THIS CAN BE PARALELIZED */ //#pragma omp for private(i) ForEach(i, Fp, Lp) { //#pragma omp atomic ClassFreq[Class(Item[i])] += Weight[i]; } //} /* Find the most frequent class */ /* THIS CAN BE PARALELIZED */ BestClass = 0; ForEach(c, 0, MaxClass) { if (ClassFreq[c] > ClassFreq[BestClass]) { BestClass = c; } } NoBestClass = ClassFreq[BestClass]; Node = Leaf(ClassFreq, BestClass, Cases, Cases - NoBestClass); /* If all cases are of the same class or there are not enough cases to divide, the tree is a leaf */ if (NoBestClass == Cases || Cases < 2 * MINOBJS) { return Node; } Verbosity(1) printf("\n%d items, total weight %.1f\n", Lp - Fp + 1, Cases); /* For each available attribute, find the information and gain */ /* THIS MUST BE PARALELIZED */ #pragma omp parallel default(shared) shared(Possible, AvGain) private(v, Freq_discr, ValFreq_discr, UnknownRate_discr) { Freq_discr = (ItemCount **) calloc(MaxDiscrVal + 1, sizeof(ItemCount *)); ForEach(v, 0, MaxDiscrVal) { Freq_discr[v] = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxClass + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); } ValFreq_discr = (ItemCount *) calloc(MaxDiscrVal + 1, sizeof(ItemCount)); UnknownRate_discr = (float *) calloc(MaxAtt + 1, sizeof(float)); #pragma omp for private(Att) schedule(static) ForEach(Att, 0, MaxAtt) { Gain[Att] = -Epsilon; if (SpecialStatus[Att] == IGNORE) continue; if (MaxAttVal[Att]) { /* discrete valued attribute */ if (SUBSET && MaxAttVal[Att] > 2) { EvalSubset(Att, Fp, Lp, Cases); } else if (!Tested[Att]) { EvalDiscreteAtt_Discr(Att, Fp, Lp, Cases, Freq_discr, ValFreq_discr, UnknownRate_discr); } } else { /* continuous attribute */ EvalContinuousAtt(Att, Fp, Lp); } /* Update average gain, excluding attributes with very many values */ #pragma omp critical { if (Gain[Att] > -Epsilon && (MultiVal || MaxAttVal[Att] < 0.3 * (MaxItem + 1))){ //#pragma omp atomic Possible++; //#pragma omp atomic AvGain += Gain[Att]; } } } free(UnknownRate_discr); free(ValFreq_discr); ForEach(v, 0, MaxDiscrVal) { free(Freq_discr[v]); } free(Freq_discr); } /* Find the best attribute according to the given criterion */ //#pragma omp single //{ BestVal = -Epsilon; BestAtt = None; AvGain = (Possible ? AvGain / Possible : 1E6); Verbosity(2) { if (AvGain < 1E6) printf("\taverage gain %.3f\n", AvGain); } ForEach(Att, 0, MaxAtt) { if (Gain[Att] > -Epsilon) { Val = Worth(Info[Att], Gain[Att], AvGain); if (Val > BestVal) { BestAtt = Att; BestVal = Val; } } } //} //} /* Decide whether to branch or not */ if (BestAtt != None) { Verbosity(1) { printf("\tbest attribute %s", AttName[BestAtt]); if (!MaxAttVal[BestAtt]) { printf(" cut %.3f", Bar[BestAtt]); } printf(" inf %.3f gain %.3f val %.3f\n", Info[BestAtt], Gain[BestAtt], BestVal); } /* Build a node of the selected test */ if (MaxAttVal[BestAtt]) { /* Discrete valued attribute */ if (SUBSET && MaxAttVal[BestAtt] > 2) { SubsetTest(Node, BestAtt); } else { DiscreteTest(Node, BestAtt); } } else { /* Continuous attribute */ ContinTest(Node, BestAtt); } /* Remove unknown attribute values */ PrevAllKnown = AllKnown; Kp = Group(0, Fp, Lp, Node) + 1; if (Kp != Fp) AllKnown = false; KnownCases = Cases - CountItems(Fp, Kp - 1); UnknownRate[BestAtt] = (Cases - KnownCases) / (Cases + 0.001); Verbosity(1) { if (UnknownRate[BestAtt] > 0) { printf("\tunknown rate for %s = %.3f\n", AttName[BestAtt], UnknownRate[BestAtt]); } } /* Recursive divide and conquer */ ++Tested[BestAtt]; Ep = Kp - 1; Node->Errors = 0; ForEach(v, 1, Node->Forks) { Ep = Group(v, Kp, Lp, Node); if (Kp <= Ep) { Factor = CountItems(Kp, Ep) / KnownCases; ForEach(i, Fp, Kp-1) { Weight[i] *= Factor; } Node->Branch[v] = FormTree(Fp, Ep); Node->Errors += Node->Branch[v]->Errors; Group(0, Fp, Ep, Node); ForEach(i, Fp, Kp-1) { Weight[i] /= Factor; } } else { Node->Branch[v] = Leaf(Node->ClassDist, BestClass, 0.0, 0.0); } } --Tested[BestAtt]; AllKnown = PrevAllKnown; /* See whether we would have been no worse off with a leaf */ if (Node->Errors >= Cases - NoBestClass - Epsilon) { Verbosity(1) printf("Collapse tree for %d items to leaf %s\n", Lp - Fp + 1, ClassName[BestClass]); Node->NodeType = 0; } } else { Verbosity(1) printf("\tno sensible splits %.1f/%.1f\n", Cases, Cases - NoBestClass); } return Node; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Group together the items corresponding to branch V of a test */ /* and return the index of the last such */ /* */ /* Note: if V equals zero, group the unknown values */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ ItemNo Group(V, Fp, Lp, TestNode) /* ----- */ DiscrValue V;ItemNo Fp, Lp;Tree TestNode; { ItemNo i; Attribute Att; float Thresh; Set SS; void Swap(); Att = TestNode->Tested; if (V) { /* Group items on the value of attribute Att, and depending on the type of branch */ switch (TestNode->NodeType) { case BrDiscr: ForEach(i, Fp, Lp) { if (DVal(Item[i], Att) == V) Swap(Fp++, i); } break; case ThreshContin: Thresh = TestNode->Cut; ForEach(i, Fp, Lp) { if ((CVal(Item[i], Att) <= Thresh) == (V == 1)) Swap(Fp++, i); } break; case BrSubset: SS = TestNode->Subset[V]; ForEach(i, Fp, Lp) { if (In(DVal(Item[i], Att), SS)) Swap(Fp++, i); } break; } } else { /* Group together unknown values */ switch (TestNode->NodeType) { case BrDiscr: case BrSubset: ForEach(i, Fp, Lp) { if (!DVal(Item[i], Att)) Swap(Fp++, i); } break; case ThreshContin: ForEach(i, Fp, Lp) { if (CVal(Item[i], Att) == Unknown) Swap(Fp++, i); } break; } } return Fp - 1; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Return the total weight of items from Fp to Lp */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ ItemCount CountItems(Fp, Lp) /* ---------- */ ItemNo Fp, Lp; { register ItemCount Sum = 0.0, *Wt, *LWt; ItemNo i; if (AllKnown) return Lp - Fp + 1; //Lwt = Weight + Lp; //#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:Sum) for (i = Fp; i <= Lp; i++) { Sum += Weight[i]; } return Sum; } /*************************************************************************/ /* */ /* Exchange items at a and b */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ void Swap(a, b) /* ---- */ ItemNo a, b; { register Description Hold; register ItemCount HoldW; Hold = Item[a]; Item[a] = Item[b]; Item[b] = Hold; HoldW = Weight[a]; Weight[a] = Weight[b]; Weight[b] = HoldW; }