// facedet.c - by Robin Hewitt, 2007 // http://www.cognotics.com/opencv/downloads/camshift_wrapper // This is free software. See License.txt, in the download // package, for details. // #include "cv.h" #include #include "facedet.h" // File-level variables CvHaarClassifierCascade * pCascade = 0; // the face detector CvMemStorage * pStorage = 0; // memory for detector to use CvSeq * pFaceRectSeq; // memory-access interface ////////////////////////////////// // initFaceDet() // int initFaceDet(const char * haarCascadePath) { if( !(pStorage = cvCreateMemStorage(0)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can\'t allocate memory for face detection\n"); return 0; } pCascade = (CvHaarClassifierCascade *)cvLoad( haarCascadePath, 0, 0, 0 ); if( !pCascade ) { fprintf(stderr, "Can\'t load Haar classifier cascade from\n" " %s\n" "Please check that this is the correct path\n", haarCascadePath); return 0; } return 1; } ////////////////////////////////// // closeFaceDet() // void closeFaceDet() { if(pCascade) cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade(&pCascade); if(pStorage) cvReleaseMemStorage(&pStorage); } ////////////////////////////////// // detectFace() // CvRect * detectFace(IplImage * pImg) { CvRect* r = 0; // detect faces in image int minFaceSize = pImg->width / 5; pFaceRectSeq = cvHaarDetectObjects (pImg, pCascade, pStorage, 1.1, // increase search scale by 10% each pass 6, // require six neighbors CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, // skip regions unlikely to contain a face cvSize(minFaceSize, minFaceSize)); // if one or more faces are detected, return the first one if( pFaceRectSeq && pFaceRectSeq->total ) r = (CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(pFaceRectSeq, 0); return r; }