]> List of citations. 0.8 Allow content to be included from a Daisy CMS repository. 0.8 Embed DOAP files in forrest content objects. 0.8 Enable glossary: a list of technical terms and definitions. 0.8 Embed log file output in Forrest sites. If Forrest is running in a dynamic environment, then pages can be updated to show recent changes in the log whenever required. 0.7 Use OpenDocument Writer files (*.odt) as input sources. 0.8 Basic support for Resumes, renders a single resume, or alloes sorting of a number of resumes on skill. 0.8 Provides a list of the Cocoon cache and other server status information. 0.8 Produce output in Anakia "xdoc" format. 0.8 Charting plugin that utilises JChart. 0.7 Process responses from Amaozons E-Commerce System web services. 0.8 WYSIWYG editing of HTML documents (requires Forrest to be running dynamically). 0.7 Add voiceXML content to a Forrest page. This allows the page to be read by a voice synthesiser and navigated with voice commands. 0.8 Generates solr documents from xdos. Further when run with the dispatcher it provides a GUI to manage your project in solr and a search interface to search your solr server. 0.8 The core theme package for the dispatcher. 0.8 Use an IMS Manifest file to manage site structure. Generates site.xml and tabs.xml from an imsmanifest.xml file when one is available. Also enables content in one Content Package to be embedded in another. 0.7 Provides facilities for adding notes to pages when Forrest is run in dynamic mode. 0.8 Enable Forrest to use page-specific views and contracts. Next generation skinning. 0.8