/* * MetricsRecord.java * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.metrics; /** * A named and optionally tagged set of records to be sent to the metrics * system.

* * A record name identifies the kind of data to be reported. For example, a * program reporting statistics relating to the disks on a computer might use * a record name "diskStats".

* * A record has zero or more tags. A tag has a name and a value. To * continue the example, the "diskStats" record might use a tag named * "diskName" to identify a particular disk. Sometimes it is useful to have * more than one tag, so there might also be a "diskType" with value "ide" or * "scsi" or whatever.

* * A record also has zero or more metrics. These are the named * values that are to be reported to the metrics system. In the "diskStats" * example, possible metric names would be "diskPercentFull", "diskPercentBusy", * "kbReadPerSecond", etc.

* * The general procedure for using a MetricsRecord is to fill in its tag and * metric values, and then call update() to pass the record to the * client library. * Metric data is not immediately sent to the metrics system * each time that update() is called. * An internal table is maintained, identified by the record name. This * table has columns * corresponding to the tag and the metric names, and rows * corresponding to each unique set of tag values. An update * either modifies an existing row in the table, or adds a new row with a set of * tag values that are different from all the other rows. Note that if there * are no tags, then there can be at most one row in the table.

* * Once a row is added to the table, its data will be sent to the metrics system * on every timer period, whether or not it has been updated since the previous * timer period. If this is inappropriate, for example if metrics were being * reported by some transient object in an application, the remove() * method can be used to remove the row and thus stop the data from being * sent.

* * Note that the update() method is atomic. This means that it is * safe for different threads to be updating the same metric. More precisely, * it is OK for different threads to call update() on MetricsRecord instances * with the same set of tag names and tag values. Different threads should * not use the same MetricsRecord instance at the same time. */ public interface MetricsRecord { /** * Returns the record name. * * @return the record name */ public abstract String getRecordName(); /** * Sets the named tag to the specified value. The tagValue may be null, * which is treated the same as an empty String. * * @param tagName name of the tag * @param tagValue new value of the tag * @throws MetricsException if the tagName conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setTag(String tagName, String tagValue); /** * Sets the named tag to the specified value. * * @param tagName name of the tag * @param tagValue new value of the tag * @throws MetricsException if the tagName conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setTag(String tagName, int tagValue); /** * Sets the named tag to the specified value. * * @param tagName name of the tag * @param tagValue new value of the tag * @throws MetricsException if the tagName conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setTag(String tagName, long tagValue); /** * Sets the named tag to the specified value. * * @param tagName name of the tag * @param tagValue new value of the tag * @throws MetricsException if the tagName conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setTag(String tagName, short tagValue); /** * Sets the named tag to the specified value. * * @param tagName name of the tag * @param tagValue new value of the tag * @throws MetricsException if the tagName conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setTag(String tagName, byte tagValue); /** * Removes any tag of the specified name. * * @param tagName name of a tag */ public abstract void removeTag(String tagName); /** * Sets the named metric to the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue new value of the metric * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setMetric(String metricName, int metricValue); /** * Sets the named metric to the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue new value of the metric * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setMetric(String metricName, long metricValue); /** * Sets the named metric to the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue new value of the metric * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setMetric(String metricName, short metricValue); /** * Sets the named metric to the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue new value of the metric * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setMetric(String metricName, byte metricValue); /** * Sets the named metric to the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue new value of the metric * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void setMetric(String metricName, float metricValue); /** * Increments the named metric by the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue incremental value * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void incrMetric(String metricName, int metricValue); /** * Increments the named metric by the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue incremental value * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void incrMetric(String metricName, long metricValue); /** * Increments the named metric by the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue incremental value * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void incrMetric(String metricName, short metricValue); /** * Increments the named metric by the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue incremental value * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void incrMetric(String metricName, byte metricValue); /** * Increments the named metric by the specified value. * * @param metricName name of the metric * @param metricValue incremental value * @throws MetricsException if the metricName or the type of the metricValue * conflicts with the configuration */ public abstract void incrMetric(String metricName, float metricValue); /** * Updates the table of buffered data which is to be sent periodically. * If the tag values match an existing row, that row is updated; * otherwise, a new row is added. */ public abstract void update(); /** * Removes, from the buffered data table, all rows having tags * that equal the tags that have been set on this record. For example, * if there are no tags on this record, all rows for this record name * would be removed. Or, if there is a single tag on this record, then * just rows containing a tag with the same name and value would be removed. */ public abstract void remove(); }