/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.fs; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.OutputStream; import java.net.URI; import java.util.*; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.permission.FsPermission; import org.apache.hadoop.io.DataInputBuffer; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.util.Progressable; /** An implementation of the in-memory filesystem. This implementation assumes * that the file lengths are known ahead of time and the total lengths of all * the files is below a certain number (like 100 MB, configurable). Use the API * reserveSpaceWithCheckSum(Path f, int size) (see below for a description of * the API for reserving space in the FS. The uri of this filesystem starts with * ramfs:// . */ @Deprecated public class InMemoryFileSystem extends ChecksumFileSystem { private static class RawInMemoryFileSystem extends FileSystem { private URI uri; private long fsSize; private volatile long totalUsed; private Path staticWorkingDir; //pathToFileAttribs is the final place where a file is put after it is closed private Map pathToFileAttribs = new HashMap(); //tempFileAttribs is a temp place which is updated while reserving memory for //files we are going to create. It is read in the createRaw method and the //temp key/value is discarded. If the file makes it to "close", then it //ends up being in the pathToFileAttribs map. private Map tempFileAttribs = new HashMap(); public RawInMemoryFileSystem() { setConf(new Configuration()); } public RawInMemoryFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf) { initialize(uri, conf); } //inherit javadoc public void initialize(URI uri, Configuration conf) { setConf(conf); int size = Integer.parseInt(conf.get("fs.inmemory.size.mb", "100")); this.fsSize = size * 1024L * 1024L; this.uri = URI.create(uri.getScheme() + "://" + uri.getAuthority()); String path = this.uri.getPath(); if (path.length() == 0) { path = Path.CUR_DIR; } this.staticWorkingDir = new Path(path); LOG.info("Initialized InMemoryFileSystem: " + uri.toString() + " of size (in bytes): " + fsSize); } //inherit javadoc public URI getUri() { return uri; } private class InMemoryInputStream extends FSInputStream { private DataInputBuffer din = new DataInputBuffer(); private FileAttributes fAttr; public InMemoryInputStream(Path f) throws IOException { synchronized (RawInMemoryFileSystem.this) { fAttr = pathToFileAttribs.get(getPath(f)); if (fAttr == null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + f + " does not exist"); } din.reset(fAttr.data, 0, fAttr.size); } } public long getPos() throws IOException { return din.getPosition(); } public void seek(long pos) throws IOException { if ((int)pos > fAttr.size) throw new IOException("Cannot seek after EOF"); din.reset(fAttr.data, (int)pos, fAttr.size - (int)pos); } public boolean seekToNewSource(long targetPos) throws IOException { return false; } public int available() throws IOException { return din.available(); } public boolean markSupport() { return false; } public int read() throws IOException { return din.read(); } public int read(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { return din.read(b, off, len); } public long skip(long n) throws IOException { return din.skip(n); } } public FSDataInputStream open(Path f, int bufferSize) throws IOException { return new FSDataInputStream(new InMemoryInputStream(f)); } private class InMemoryOutputStream extends OutputStream { private int count; private FileAttributes fAttr; private Path f; public InMemoryOutputStream(Path f, FileAttributes fAttr) throws IOException { this.fAttr = fAttr; this.f = f; } public long getPos() throws IOException { return count; } public void close() throws IOException { synchronized (RawInMemoryFileSystem.this) { pathToFileAttribs.put(getPath(f), fAttr); } } public void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) throws IOException { if ((off < 0) || (off > b.length) || (len < 0) || ((off + len) > b.length) || ((off + len) < 0)) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else if (len == 0) { return; } int newcount = count + len; if (newcount > fAttr.size) { throw new IOException("Insufficient space"); } System.arraycopy(b, off, fAttr.data, count, len); count = newcount; } public void write(int b) throws IOException { int newcount = count + 1; if (newcount > fAttr.size) { throw new IOException("Insufficient space"); } fAttr.data[count] = (byte)b; count = newcount; } } /** This optional operation is not yet supported. */ public FSDataOutputStream append(Path f, int bufferSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException { throw new IOException("Not supported"); } /** * @param permission Currently ignored. */ public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FsPermission permission, boolean overwrite, int bufferSize, short replication, long blockSize, Progressable progress) throws IOException { synchronized (this) { if (exists(f) && !overwrite) { throw new IOException("File already exists:"+f); } FileAttributes fAttr = tempFileAttribs.remove(getPath(f)); if (fAttr != null) return create(f, fAttr); return null; } } public FSDataOutputStream create(Path f, FileAttributes fAttr) throws IOException { // the path is not added into the filesystem (in the pathToFileAttribs // map) until close is called on the outputstream that this method is // going to return // Create an output stream out of data byte array return new FSDataOutputStream(new InMemoryOutputStream(f, fAttr), statistics); } public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); synchronized (this) { if (pathToFileAttribs != null) { pathToFileAttribs.clear(); } pathToFileAttribs = null; if (tempFileAttribs != null) { tempFileAttribs.clear(); } tempFileAttribs = null; } } public boolean setReplication(Path src, short replication) throws IOException { return true; } public boolean rename(Path src, Path dst) throws IOException { synchronized (this) { if (exists(dst)) { throw new IOException ("Path " + dst + " already exists"); } FileAttributes fAttr = pathToFileAttribs.remove(getPath(src)); if (fAttr == null) return false; pathToFileAttribs.put(getPath(dst), fAttr); return true; } } @Deprecated public boolean delete(Path f) throws IOException { return delete(f, true); } public boolean delete(Path f, boolean recursive) throws IOException { synchronized (this) { FileAttributes fAttr = pathToFileAttribs.remove(getPath(f)); if (fAttr != null) { fAttr.data = null; totalUsed -= fAttr.size; return true; } return false; } } /** * Directory operations are not supported */ public FileStatus[] listStatus(Path f) throws IOException { return null; } public void setWorkingDirectory(Path new_dir) { staticWorkingDir = new_dir; } public Path getWorkingDirectory() { return staticWorkingDir; } /** * @param permission Currently ignored. */ public boolean mkdirs(Path f, FsPermission permission) throws IOException { return true; } public FileStatus getFileStatus(Path f) throws IOException { synchronized (this) { FileAttributes attr = pathToFileAttribs.get(getPath(f)); if (attr==null) { throw new FileNotFoundException("File " + f + " does not exist."); } return new InMemoryFileStatus(f.makeQualified(this), attr); } } /** Some APIs exclusively for InMemoryFileSystem */ /** Register a path with its size. */ public boolean reserveSpace(Path f, long size) { synchronized (this) { if (!canFitInMemory(size)) return false; FileAttributes fileAttr; try { fileAttr = new FileAttributes((int)size); } catch (OutOfMemoryError o) { return false; } totalUsed += size; tempFileAttribs.put(getPath(f), fileAttr); return true; } } public void unreserveSpace(Path f) { synchronized (this) { FileAttributes fAttr = tempFileAttribs.remove(getPath(f)); if (fAttr != null) { fAttr.data = null; totalUsed -= fAttr.size; } } } /** This API getClosedFiles could have been implemented over listPathsRaw * but it is an overhead to maintain directory structures for this impl of * the in-memory fs. */ public Path[] getFiles(PathFilter filter) { synchronized (this) { List closedFilesList = new ArrayList(); synchronized (pathToFileAttribs) { Set paths = pathToFileAttribs.keySet(); if (paths == null || paths.isEmpty()) { return new Path[0]; } Iterator iter = paths.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { String f = (String)iter.next(); if (filter.accept(new Path(f))) { closedFilesList.add(f); } } } String [] names = closedFilesList.toArray(new String[closedFilesList.size()]); Path [] results = new Path[names.length]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { results[i] = new Path(names[i]); } return results; } } public int getNumFiles(PathFilter filter) { return getFiles(filter).length; } public long getFSSize() { return fsSize; } public float getPercentUsed() { if (fsSize > 0) return (float)totalUsed/fsSize; else return 0.1f; } /** * @TODO: Fix for Java6? * As of Java5 it is safe to assume that if the file can fit * in-memory then its file-size is less than Integer.MAX_VALUE. */ private boolean canFitInMemory(long size) { if ((size <= Integer.MAX_VALUE) && ((size + totalUsed) < fsSize)) { return true; } return false; } private String getPath(Path f) { return f.toUri().getPath(); } private static class FileAttributes { private byte[] data; private int size; public FileAttributes(int size) { this.size = size; this.data = new byte[size]; } } private class InMemoryFileStatus extends FileStatus { InMemoryFileStatus(Path f, FileAttributes attr) throws IOException { super(attr.size, false, 1, getDefaultBlockSize(), 0, f); } } } public InMemoryFileSystem() { super(new RawInMemoryFileSystem()); } public InMemoryFileSystem(URI uri, Configuration conf) { super(new RawInMemoryFileSystem(uri, conf)); } /** * Register a file with its size. This will also register a checksum for the * file that the user is trying to create. This is required since none of * the FileSystem APIs accept the size of the file as argument. But since it * is required for us to apriori know the size of the file we are going to * create, the user must call this method for each file he wants to create * and reserve memory for that file. We either succeed in reserving memory * for both the main file and the checksum file and return true, or return * false. */ public boolean reserveSpaceWithCheckSum(Path f, long size) { RawInMemoryFileSystem mfs = (RawInMemoryFileSystem)getRawFileSystem(); synchronized(mfs) { boolean b = mfs.reserveSpace(f, size); if (b) { long checksumSize = getChecksumFileLength(f, size); b = mfs.reserveSpace(getChecksumFile(f), checksumSize); if (!b) { mfs.unreserveSpace(f); } } return b; } } public Path[] getFiles(PathFilter filter) { return ((RawInMemoryFileSystem)getRawFileSystem()).getFiles(filter); } public int getNumFiles(PathFilter filter) { return ((RawInMemoryFileSystem)getRawFileSystem()).getNumFiles(filter); } public long getFSSize() { return ((RawInMemoryFileSystem)getRawFileSystem()).getFSSize(); } public float getPercentUsed() { return ((RawInMemoryFileSystem)getRawFileSystem()).getPercentUsed(); } }