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Package org.apache.hadoop.util

Added Classes
LinuxMemoryCalculatorPlugin Plugin to calculate virtual and physical memories on Linux systems.
MemoryCalculatorPlugin Plugin to calculate virtual and physical memories on the system.

Changed Classes
CyclicIteration Provide an cyclic Iterator for a NavigableMap The Iterator navigates the entries of the map according to the map's ordering.
GenericOptionsParser GenericOptionsParser is a utility to parse command line arguments generic to the Hadoop framework.
GenericsUtil Contains utility methods for dealing with Java Generics.
MergeSort An implementation of the core algorithm of MergeSort.
PriorityQueue A PriorityQueue maintains a partial ordering of its elements such that the least element can always be found in constant time.
ProcfsBasedProcessTree A Proc file-system based ProcessTree.
ReflectionUtils General reflection utils
Shell A base class for running a Unix command.
Shell.ShellCommandExecutor A simple shell command executor.
StringUtils General string utils
StringUtils.TraditionalBinaryPrefix The traditional binary prefixes kilo mega ...