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Package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.aggregate

Changed Classes and Interfaces
DoubleValueSum This class implements a value aggregator that sums up a sequence of double values.
LongValueMax This class implements a value aggregator that maintain the maximum of a sequence of long values.
LongValueMin This class implements a value aggregator that maintain the minimum of a sequence of long values.
LongValueSum This class implements a value aggregator that sums up a sequence of long values.
StringValueMax This class implements a value aggregator that maintain the biggest of a sequence of strings.
StringValueMin This class implements a value aggregator that maintain the smallest of a sequence of strings.
UserDefinedValueAggregatorDescriptor This class implements a wrapper for a user defined value aggregator descriptor.
ValueAggregatorBaseDescriptor This class implements the common functionalities of the subclasses of ValueAggregatorDescriptor class.
ValueAggregatorCombiner This class implements the generic combiner of Aggregate.
ValueAggregatorDescriptor This interface defines the contract a value aggregator descriptor must support.
ValueAggregatorJobBase This abstract class implements some common functionalities of the the generic mapper reducer and combiner classes of Aggregate.
ValueAggregatorMapper This class implements the generic mapper of Aggregate.
ValueAggregatorReducer This class implements the generic reducer of Aggregate.