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Package org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join

Changed Classes and Interfaces
ArrayListBackedIterator This class provides an implementation of ResetableIterator.
ComposableInputFormat Refinement of InputFormat requiring implementors to provide ComposableRecordReader instead of RecordReader.
ComposableRecordReader Additional operations required of a RecordReader to participate in a join.
CompositeInputFormat An InputFormat capable of performing joins over a set of data sources sorted and partitioned the same way.
CompositeRecordReader A RecordReader that can effect joins of RecordReaders sharing a common key type and partitioning.
InnerJoinRecordReader Full inner join.
JoinRecordReader Base class for Composite joins returning Tuples of arbitrary Writables.
JoinRecordReader.JoinDelegationIterator Since the JoinCollector is effecting our operation we need only provide an iterator proxy wrapping its operation.
MultiFilterRecordReader Base class for Composite join returning values derived from multiple sources but generally not tuples.
Proxy the JoinCollector but include callback to emit.
OuterJoinRecordReader Full outer join.
OverrideRecordReader Prefer the "rightmost" data source for this key.
ResetableIterator This defines an interface to a stateful Iterator that can replay elements added to it directly.
StreamBackedIterator This class provides an implementation of ResetableIterator.
TupleWritable Writable type storing multiple Thi is *not* a general-purpose tuple type.
WrappedRecordReader Proxy class for a RecordReader participating in the join framework.