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Added Classes
BloomMapFile This class extends MapFile and provides very much the same functionality.

Changed Classes and Interfaces
ArrayFile.Writer Write a new array file.
ArrayWritable A Writable for arrays containing instances of a class.
BinaryComparable Interface supported by types supporting ordering/permutation by a representative set of bytes.
BytesWritable A byte sequence that is usable as a key or value.
DefaultStringifier DefaultStringifier is the default implementation of the Stringifier interface which stringifies the objects using base64 encoding of the serialized version of the objects.
MD5Hash A Writable for MD5 hash values.
MapFile A file-based map from keys to values.
MapFile.Reader Provide access to an existing map.
MapFile.Writer Writes a new map.
MapWritable A Writable Map.
MultipleIOException Encapsulate a list of IOException into an IOException

A Comparator that operates directly on byte representations of objects.

SequenceFile.CompressionType The compression type used to compress key/value pairs in the SequenceFile
SequenceFile.Metadata The class encapsulating with the metadata of a file.
SequenceFile.Reader Reads key/value pairs from a sequence-format file.
SequenceFile.Sorter Sorts key/value pairs in a sequence-format file.
SetFile.Writer Write a new set file.
SortedMapWritable A Writable SortedMap.
Stringifier Stringifier interface offers two methods to convert an object to a string representation and restore the object given its string representation.
Text This class stores text using standard UTF8 encoding.
WritableComparable A Writable which is also Comparable
WritableComparator A Comparator for
WritableFactories Factories for non-public writables.
WritableName Utility to permit renaming of Writable implementation classes without invalidiating files that contain their class name.