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Added Methods
void connect(Socket, SocketAddress, int) This is a drop-in replacement for int) In the case of normal sockets that don't have associated channels this just invokes socket.connect(endpoint timeout).

Changed Methods
List getAllStaticResolutions() Change in return type from String[]> to List.
This is used to get all the resolutions that were added using String) The return value is a List each element of which contains an array of String of the form String[0]=hostname String[1]=resolved-hostname
SocketFactory getSocketFactory(Configuration, Class) Change in signature from (Configuration, Class) to (Configuration, Class).
Get the socket factory for the given class according to its configuration parameter hadoop.rpc.socket.factory.class.<ClassName>.
List normalizeHostNames(Collection) Change in return type from String> to List.
Change in signature from String> to Collection.
Given a collection of string representation of hosts return a list of corresponding IP addresses in the textual representation.