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Class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join.CompositeRecordReader

Changed Constructors
CompositeRecordReader(int, int, Class) Change in type from (int, int, Class) to (int, int, Class).
Create a RecordReader with capacity children to position id in the parent reader.

Changed Methods
void accept(JoinCollector, WritableComparable) Change in signature from (JoinCollector, K, extends, WritableComparable) to (JoinCollector, WritableComparable).
If key provided matches that of this Composite give JoinCollector iterator over values it may emit.
void add(ComposableRecordReader) Change in signature from (ComposableRecordReader) to ComposableRecordReader.
Add a RecordReader to this collection.
int compareTo(ComposableRecordReader) Change in signature from (ComposableRecordReader) to ComposableRecordReader.
Implement Comparable contract (compare key of join or head of heap with that of another).
WritableComparable createKey() Change in return type from (K, extends, WritableComparable) to WritableComparable.
Create a new key value common to all child RRs.
void fillJoinCollector(WritableComparable) Change in signature from (K, extends, WritableComparable) to WritableComparable.
For all child RRs offering the key provided obtain an iterator at that position in the JoinCollector.
ResetableIterator getDelegate() Change in return type from ResetableIterator to ResetableIterator.
Obtain an iterator over the child RRs apropos of the value type ultimately emitted from this join.
PriorityQueue getRecordReaderQueue() Change in return type from (ComposableRecordReader>) to PriorityQueue.
Return sorted list of RecordReaders for this composite.
void skip(WritableComparable) Change in signature from (K, extends, WritableComparable) to WritableComparable.
Pass skip key to child RRs.
WritableComparable key() Change in return type from (K, extends, WritableComparable) to WritableComparable.
Return the key for the current join or the value at the top of the RecordReader heap.
void key(WritableComparable) Change in signature from (K, extends, WritableComparable) to WritableComparable.
Clone the key at the top of this RR into the given object.

Changed Fields
JoinCollector jc Change in type from (CompositeRecordReader) to JoinCollector.