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Class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TaskLog

Removed Methods
String> captureOutAndError(String>, File, File, long) Wrap a command in a shell to capture stdout and stderr to files.
String> captureOutAndError(String>, String>, File, File, long) Wrap a command in a shell to capture stdout and stderr to files.
String> captureOutAndError(String>, String>, File, File, long, String) Wrap a command in a shell to capture stdout and stderr to files.

Added Methods
List captureOutAndError(List, File, File, long) Wrap a command in a shell to capture stdout and stderr to files.
List captureOutAndError(List, List, File, File, long) Wrap a command in a shell to capture stdout and stderr to files.
List captureOutAndError(List, List, File, File, long, String) Wrap a command in a shell to capture stdout and stderr to files.

Changed Methods
String addCommand(List, boolean) Change in signature from (String>, boolean) to (List, boolean).
Add quotes to each of the command strings and return as a single string
List captureDebugOut(List, File) Change in return type from String> to List.
Change in signature from (String>, File) to (List, File).
Wrap a command in a shell to capture debug script's stdout and stderr to debugout.