Generated by

Class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat

The superclass changed from org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat to org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat.

Changed Methods
RecordWriter getRecordWriter(FileSystem, JobConf, String, Progressable) Change in return type from (BytesWritable, BytesWritable>) to RecordWriter.
Class getSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobConf) Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Get the key class for the SequenceFile
Class getSequenceFileOutputValueClass(JobConf) Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Get the value class for the SequenceFile
void setSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobConf, Class) Change in signature from (JobConf, Class) to (JobConf, Class).
Set the key class for the SequenceFile
void setSequenceFileOutputValueClass(JobConf, Class) Change in signature from (JobConf, Class) to (JobConf, Class).
Set the value class for the SequenceFile