Generated by

Class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.MultiFileSplit

The superclass changed from java.lang.Object to org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.CombineFileSplit.
Removed interface org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit.

Now deprecated.

Removed Methods
long getLength()  
long getLength(int) Returns the length of the ith Path

Changed Methods
long[] getLengths() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from CombineFileSplit. Returns an array containing the lengths of the files in the split
int getNumPaths() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from CombineFileSplit. Returns the number of Paths in the split
Path getPath(int) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from CombineFileSplit. Returns the ith Path
Path[] getPaths() Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from CombineFileSplit. Returns all the Paths in the split
void readFields(DataInput) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from CombineFileSplit.  
void write(DataOutput) Method was locally defined, but is now inherited from CombineFileSplit.