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Class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobTracker

Added interface

Added Methods
Collection activeTaskTrackers() Get the active task tracker statuses in the cluster
Collection blacklistedTaskTrackers() Get the blacklisted task tracker statuses in the cluster
void failJob(JobInProgress) Fail a job and inform the listeners.
ClusterStatus getClusterStatus(boolean)  
void initJob(JobInProgress)  
boolean isBlacklisted(String) Whether the tracker is blacklisted or not
void refreshServiceAcl()  
JobTracker startTracker(JobConf, String)  
List taskTrackerNames() Get the active and blacklisted task tracker names in the cluster.

Changed Methods
Vector completedJobs() Change in return type from JobInProgress> to Vector.
Vector failedJobs() Change in return type from JobInProgress> to Vector.
Class getInstrumentationClass(Configuration) Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Collection getNodesAtMaxLevel() Change in return type from Node> to Collection.
Returns a collection of nodes at the max level
List getRunningJobs() Change in return type from JobInProgress> to List.
Version that is called from a timer thread and therefore needs to be careful to synchronize.
HeartbeatResponse heartbeat(TaskTrackerStatus, boolean, boolean, boolean, short) Change in signature from (TaskTrackerStatus, boolean, boolean, short) to (TaskTrackerStatus, boolean, boolean, boolean, short).
The periodic heartbeat mechanism between the TaskTracker and the JobTracker The JobTracker processes the status information sent by the TaskTracker and responds with instructions to start/stop tasks or jobs and also 'reset' instructions during contingencies.
Vector runningJobs() Change in return type from JobInProgress> to Vector.
void setInstrumentationClass(Configuration, Class) Change in signature from (Configuration, Class) to (Configuration, Class).
Collection taskTrackers() Change in return type from TaskTrackerStatus> to Collection.
Get all the task trackers in the cluster
ClusterStatus getClusterStatus() Now deprecated.
use {@link #getClusterStatus(boolean)}