Generated by

Class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf

Now deprecated.

Added Methods
long getMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask() @deprecated this variable is deprecated and nolonger in use.
long getMaxVirtualMemoryForTask() The maximum amount of memory any task of this job will use.
long getMemoryForMapTask()  
long getMemoryForReduceTask()  
boolean getUseNewMapper() Should the framework use the new context-object code for running the mapper
boolean getUseNewReducer() Should the framework use the new context-object code for running the reducer
long normalizeMemoryConfigValue(long) Normalize the negative values in configuration
void setMaxPhysicalMemoryForTask(long)  
void setMaxVirtualMemoryForTask(long) Set the maximum amount of memory any task of this job can use.
void setMemoryForMapTask(long)  
void setMemoryForReduceTask(long)  
void setUseNewMapper(boolean) Set whether the framework should use the new api for the mapper.
void setUseNewReducer(boolean) Set whether the framework should use the new api for the reducer.

Changed Methods
Class getCombinerClass() Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Get the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers.
Class getMapOutputCompressorClass(Class) Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Get the CompressionCodec for compressing the map outputs.
Class getMapOutputKeyClass() Change in return type from Class to Class.
Get the key class for the map output data.
Class getMapOutputValueClass() Change in return type from Class to Class.
Get the value class for the map output data.
Class getMapRunnerClass() Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Get the MapRunnable class for the job.
Class getMapperClass() Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Get the Mapper class for the job.
Class getOutputKeyClass() Change in return type from Class to Class.
Get the key class for the job output data.
Class getOutputValueClass() Change in return type from Class to Class.
Get the value class for job outputs.
Class getPartitionerClass() Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Get the Partitioner used to partition t be sent to the @retur the Partitioner used to partition map-outputs.
Class getReducerClass() Change in return type from (Class) to Class.
Get the Reducer class for the job.
void setCombinerClass(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the user-defined combiner class used to combine map-outputs before being sent to the reducers.
void setInputFormat(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.
void setMapOutputCompressorClass(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the given class as the CompressionCodec for the map outputs.
void setMapOutputKeyClass(Class) Change in signature from Class to Class.
Set the key class for the map output data.
void setMapOutputValueClass(Class) Change in signature from Class to Class.
Set the value class for the map output data.
void setMapRunnerClass(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Expert: Set the MapRunnable class for the job.
void setMapperClass(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the Mapper class for the job.
void setOutputCommitter(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the OutputCommitter implementation for the map-reduce job.
void setOutputFormat(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the OutputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.
void setOutputKeyClass(Class) Change in signature from Class to Class.
Set the key class for the job output data.
void setOutputKeyComparatorClass(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the RawComparator comparator used to compare keys.
void setOutputValueClass(Class) Change in signature from Class to Class.
Set the value class for job outputs.
void setOutputValueGroupingComparator(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the user defined RawComparator comparator for grouping keys in the input to the reduce.
void setPartitionerClass(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the Partitioner class used to partition t be sent to the @para theClass the Partitioner used to partition map-outputs.
void setReducerClass(Class) Change in signature from (Class) to Class.
Set the Reducer class for the job.

Added Fields
long DISABLED_MEMORY_LIMIT A value which if set for memory related configuration options indicates that the options are turned off.