Uses of Class

Packages that use Record
org.apache.hadoop.record Hadoop record I/O contains classes and a record description language translator for simplifying serialization and deserialization of records in a language-neutral manner. 

Uses of Record in org.apache.hadoop.record

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.record with parameters of type Record
 void XmlRecordOutput.endRecord(Record r, String tag)
 void CsvRecordOutput.endRecord(Record r, String tag)
 void RecordOutput.endRecord(Record r, String tag)
          Mark the end of a serialized record.
 void BinaryRecordOutput.endRecord(Record r, String tag)
 void XmlRecordOutput.startRecord(Record r, String tag)
 void CsvRecordOutput.startRecord(Record r, String tag)
 void RecordOutput.startRecord(Record r, String tag)
          Mark the start of a record to be serialized.
 void BinaryRecordOutput.startRecord(Record r, String tag)

Uses of Record in org.apache.hadoop.record.meta

Subclasses of Record in org.apache.hadoop.record.meta
 class RecordTypeInfo
          A record's Type Information object which can read/write itself.

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