Package org.apache.hadoop.metrics.util

Class Summary
MBeanUtil This util class provides a method to register an MBean using our standard naming convention as described in the doc for {link MBeanUtil.registerMBean(String, String, Object)
MetricsBase This is base class for all metrics
MetricsDynamicMBeanBase This abstract base class facilitates creating dynamic mbeans automatically from metrics.
MetricsIntValue The MetricsIntValue class is for a metric that is not time varied but changes only when it is set.
MetricsLongValue The MetricsLongValue class is for a metric that is not time varied but changes only when it is set.
MetricsRegistry This is the registry for metrics.
MetricsTimeVaryingInt The MetricsTimeVaryingInt class is for a metric that naturally varies over time (e.g.
MetricsTimeVaryingLong The MetricsTimeVaryingLong class is for a metric that naturally varies over time (e.g.
MetricsTimeVaryingRate The MetricsTimeVaryingRate class is for a rate based metric that naturally varies over time (e.g.

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