Uses of Class

Packages that use JobID
org.apache.hadoop.mapred A software framework for easily writing applications which process vast amounts of data (multi-terabyte data-sets) parallelly on large clusters (thousands of nodes) built of commodity hardware in a reliable, fault-tolerant manner. 

Uses of JobID in org.apache.hadoop.mapred

Subclasses of JobID in org.apache.hadoop.mapred
 class JobID

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred with parameters of type JobID
static JobID JobID.downgrade(JobID old)
          Deprecated. Downgrade a new JobID to an old one

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.mapred with parameters of type JobID
JobProfile(String user, JobID jobid, String jobFile, String url, String name)
          Construct a JobProfile the userid, jobid, job config-file, job-details url and job name.
JobProfile(String user, JobID jobid, String jobFile, String url, String name, String queueName)
          Construct a JobProfile the userid, jobid, job config-file, job-details url and job name.
TaskID(JobID jobId, boolean isMap, int id)
          Deprecated. Constructs a TaskID object from given JobID.

Uses of JobID in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce that return JobID
static JobID JobID.forName(String str)
          Construct a JobId object from given string
 JobID TaskID.getJobID()
          Returns the JobID object that this tip belongs to
 JobID TaskAttemptID.getJobID()
          Returns the JobID object that this task attempt belongs to
 JobID JobContext.getJobID()
          Get the unique ID for the job.

Constructors in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce with parameters of type JobID
JobContext(Configuration conf, JobID jobId)
TaskID(JobID jobId, boolean isMap, int id)
          Constructs a TaskID object from given JobID.

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