Uses of Class

Packages that use Job

Uses of Job in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.input with parameters of type Job
static void FileInputFormat.addInputPath(Job job, Path path)
          Add a Path to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.
static void FileInputFormat.addInputPaths(Job job, String commaSeparatedPaths)
          Add the given comma separated paths to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.
static void FileInputFormat.setInputPathFilter(Job job, Class<? extends PathFilter> filter)
          Set a PathFilter to be applied to the input paths for the map-reduce job.
static void FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(Job job, Path... inputPaths)
          Set the array of Paths as the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.
static void FileInputFormat.setInputPaths(Job job, String commaSeparatedPaths)
          Sets the given comma separated paths as the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.
static void FileInputFormat.setMaxInputSplitSize(Job job, long size)
          Set the maximum split size
static void FileInputFormat.setMinInputSplitSize(Job job, long size)
          Set the minimum input split size

Uses of Job in

Methods in with parameters of type Job
MultithreadedMapper.setMapperClass(Job job, Class<? extends Mapper<K1,V1,K2,V2>> cls)
          Set the application's mapper class.
static void MultithreadedMapper.setNumberOfThreads(Job job, int threads)
          Set the number of threads in the pool for running maps.

Uses of Job in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.lib.output with parameters of type Job
static void FileOutputFormat.setCompressOutput(Job job, boolean compress)
          Set whether the output of the job is compressed.
static void SequenceFileOutputFormat.setOutputCompressionType(Job job, SequenceFile.CompressionType style)
          Set the SequenceFile.CompressionType for the output SequenceFile.
static void FileOutputFormat.setOutputCompressorClass(Job job, Class<? extends CompressionCodec> codecClass)
          Set the CompressionCodec to be used to compress job outputs.
static void FileOutputFormat.setOutputPath(Job job, Path outputDir)
          Set the Path of the output directory for the map-reduce job.

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