Uses of Interface

Packages that use InputFormat
org.apache.hadoop.examples Hadoop example code. 
org.apache.hadoop.examples.terasort This package consists of 3 map/reduce applications for Hadoop to compete in the annual terabyte sort competition. 
org.apache.hadoop.mapred A software framework for easily writing applications which process vast amounts of data (multi-terabyte data-sets) parallelly on large clusters (thousands of nodes) built of commodity hardware in a reliable, fault-tolerant manner. 
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join Given a set of sorted datasets keyed with the same class and yielding equal partitions, it is possible to effect a join of those datasets prior to the map. 
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib Library of generally useful mappers, reducers, and partitioners. 
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.db org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.db Package 
org.apache.hadoop.streaming Hadoop Streaming is a utility which allows users to create and run Map-Reduce jobs with any executables (e.g. 

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.example

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.example that implement InputFormat
 class LineDocInputFormat
          An InputFormat for LineDoc for plain text files where each line is a doc.

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred that return types with arguments of type InputFormat
 Class<? extends InputFormat> IndexUpdateConfiguration.getIndexInputFormatClass()
          Get the index input format class.

Method parameters in org.apache.hadoop.contrib.index.mapred with type arguments of type InputFormat
 void IndexUpdateConfiguration.setIndexInputFormatClass(Class<? extends InputFormat> theClass)
          Set the index input format class.

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.examples

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.examples that implement InputFormat
static class MultiFileWordCount.MyInputFormat
          To use MultiFileInputFormat, one should extend it, to return a (custom) RecordReader.
static class SleepJob.SleepInputFormat

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.examples.terasort

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.examples.terasort that implement InputFormat
 class TeraInputFormat
          An input format that reads the first 10 characters of each line as the key and the rest of the line as the value.

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.mapred

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapred that implement InputFormat
 class FileInputFormat<K,V>
          Deprecated. Use FileInputFormat instead.
 class KeyValueTextInputFormat
          An InputFormat for plain text files.
 class MultiFileInputFormat<K,V>
          Deprecated. Use CombineFileInputFormat instead
 class SequenceFileAsBinaryInputFormat
          InputFormat reading keys, values from SequenceFiles in binary (raw) format.
 class SequenceFileAsTextInputFormat
          This class is similar to SequenceFileInputFormat, except it generates SequenceFileAsTextRecordReader which converts the input keys and values to their String forms by calling toString() method.
 class SequenceFileInputFilter<K,V>
          A class that allows a map/red job to work on a sample of sequence files.
 class SequenceFileInputFormat<K,V>
          Deprecated. Use SequenceFileInputFormat instead.
 class TextInputFormat
          Deprecated. Use TextInputFormat instead.

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred that return InputFormat
 InputFormat JobConf.getInputFormat()
          Deprecated. Get the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job, defaults to TextInputFormat if not specified explicity.

Method parameters in org.apache.hadoop.mapred with type arguments of type InputFormat
 void JobConf.setInputFormat(Class<? extends InputFormat> theClass)
          Deprecated. Set the InputFormat implementation for the map-reduce job.

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join

Subinterfaces of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join
 interface ComposableInputFormat<K extends WritableComparable,V extends Writable>
          Refinement of InputFormat requiring implementors to provide ComposableRecordReader instead of RecordReader.

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join that implement InputFormat
 class CompositeInputFormat<K extends WritableComparable>
          An InputFormat capable of performing joins over a set of data sources sorted and partitioned the same way.
static class Parser.Node

Method parameters in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.join with type arguments of type InputFormat
static String CompositeInputFormat.compose(Class<? extends InputFormat> inf, String path)
          Convenience method for constructing composite formats.
static String CompositeInputFormat.compose(String op, Class<? extends InputFormat> inf, Path... path)
          Convenience method for constructing composite formats.
static String CompositeInputFormat.compose(String op, Class<? extends InputFormat> inf, String... path)
          Convenience method for constructing composite formats.

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib that implement InputFormat
 class CombineFileInputFormat<K,V>
          An abstract InputFormat that returns CombineFileSplit's in getSplits(JobConf, int) method.
 class DelegatingInputFormat<K,V>
          An InputFormat that delegates behaviour of paths to multiple other InputFormats.
 class NLineInputFormat
          NLineInputFormat which splits N lines of input as one split.

Methods in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib with parameters of type InputFormat
 K[] InputSampler.Sampler.getSample(InputFormat<K,V> inf, JobConf job)
          For a given job, collect and return a subset of the keys from the input data.
 K[] InputSampler.SplitSampler.getSample(InputFormat<K,V> inf, JobConf job)
          From each split sampled, take the first numSamples / numSplits records.
 K[] InputSampler.RandomSampler.getSample(InputFormat<K,V> inf, JobConf job)
          Randomize the split order, then take the specified number of keys from each split sampled, where each key is selected with the specified probability and possibly replaced by a subsequently selected key when the quota of keys from that split is satisfied.
 K[] InputSampler.IntervalSampler.getSample(InputFormat<K,V> inf, JobConf job)
          For each split sampled, emit when the ratio of the number of records retained to the total record count is less than the specified frequency.

Method parameters in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib with type arguments of type InputFormat
static void MultipleInputs.addInputPath(JobConf conf, Path path, Class<? extends InputFormat> inputFormatClass)
          Add a Path with a custom InputFormat to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.
static void MultipleInputs.addInputPath(JobConf conf, Path path, Class<? extends InputFormat> inputFormatClass, Class<? extends Mapper> mapperClass)
          Add a Path with a custom InputFormat and Mapper to the list of inputs for the map-reduce job.

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.db

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.mapred.lib.db that implement InputFormat
 class DBInputFormat<T extends DBWritable>
          A InputFormat that reads input data from an SQL table.

Uses of InputFormat in org.apache.hadoop.streaming

Classes in org.apache.hadoop.streaming that implement InputFormat
 class StreamInputFormat
          An input format that selects a RecordReader based on a JobConf property.

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