Class SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat

  extended by org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat<K,V>
      extended by org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat<BytesWritable,BytesWritable>
          extended by org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat
extends SequenceFileOutputFormat<BytesWritable,BytesWritable>

An OutputFormat that writes keys, values to SequenceFiles in binary(raw) format

Nested Class Summary
protected static class SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat.WritableValueBytes
          Inner class used for appendRaw
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void checkOutputSpecs(FileSystem ignored, JobConf job)
          Check for validity of the output-specification for the job.
 RecordWriter<BytesWritable,BytesWritable> getRecordWriter(FileSystem ignored, JobConf job, String name, Progressable progress)
          Get the RecordWriter for the given job.
static Class<? extends WritableComparable> getSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobConf conf)
          Get the key class for the SequenceFile
static Class<? extends Writable> getSequenceFileOutputValueClass(JobConf conf)
          Get the value class for the SequenceFile
static void setSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobConf conf, Class<?> theClass)
          Set the key class for the SequenceFile
static void setSequenceFileOutputValueClass(JobConf conf, Class<?> theClass)
          Set the value class for the SequenceFile
Methods inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.SequenceFileOutputFormat
getOutputCompressionType, getReaders, setOutputCompressionType
Methods inherited from class org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileOutputFormat
getCompressOutput, getOutputCompressorClass, getOutputPath, getPathForCustomFile, getTaskOutputPath, getUniqueName, getWorkOutputPath, setCompressOutput, setOutputCompressorClass, setOutputPath
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public SequenceFileAsBinaryOutputFormat()
Method Detail


public static void setSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobConf conf,
                                                 Class<?> theClass)
Set the key class for the SequenceFile

This allows the user to specify the key class to be different from the actual class (BytesWritable) used for writing

conf - the JobConf to modify
theClass - the SequenceFile output key class.


public static void setSequenceFileOutputValueClass(JobConf conf,
                                                   Class<?> theClass)
Set the value class for the SequenceFile

This allows the user to specify the value class to be different from the actual class (BytesWritable) used for writing

conf - the JobConf to modify
theClass - the SequenceFile output key class.


public static Class<? extends WritableComparable> getSequenceFileOutputKeyClass(JobConf conf)
Get the key class for the SequenceFile

the key class of the SequenceFile


public static Class<? extends Writable> getSequenceFileOutputValueClass(JobConf conf)
Get the value class for the SequenceFile

the value class of the SequenceFile


public RecordWriter<BytesWritable,BytesWritable> getRecordWriter(FileSystem ignored,
                                                                 JobConf job,
                                                                 String name,
                                                                 Progressable progress)
                                                          throws IOException
Description copied from interface: OutputFormat
Get the RecordWriter for the given job.

Specified by:
getRecordWriter in interface OutputFormat<BytesWritable,BytesWritable>
getRecordWriter in class SequenceFileOutputFormat<BytesWritable,BytesWritable>
job - configuration for the job whose output is being written.
name - the unique name for this part of the output.
progress - mechanism for reporting progress while writing to file.
a RecordWriter to write the output for the job.


public void checkOutputSpecs(FileSystem ignored,
                             JobConf job)
                      throws IOException
Description copied from interface: OutputFormat
Check for validity of the output-specification for the job.

This is to validate the output specification for the job when it is a job is submitted. Typically checks that it does not already exist, throwing an exception when it already exists, so that output is not overwritten.

Specified by:
checkOutputSpecs in interface OutputFormat<BytesWritable,BytesWritable>
checkOutputSpecs in class FileOutputFormat<BytesWritable,BytesWritable>
job - job configuration.
IOException - when output should not be attempted

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