Class Configured

  extended by org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configured
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Command, DBCountPageView, DistributedPentomino, FileSystem, FsShell, Grep, JobClient, Join, MemoryCalculatorPlugin, MigrationTool, MRAdmin, MultiFileWordCount, PiEstimator, RandomTextWriter, RandomWriter, SerializationFactory, SleepJob, SleepJob.SleepInputFormat, Sort, Submitter, TeraGen, TeraSort, TeraValidate, Trash, WritableSerialization

public class Configured
extends Object
implements Configurable

Base class for things that may be configured with a Configuration.

Constructor Summary
          Construct a Configured.
Configured(Configuration conf)
          Construct a Configured.
Method Summary
 Configuration getConf()
          Return the configuration used by this object.
 void setConf(Configuration conf)
          Set the configuration to be used by this object.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Configured()
Construct a Configured.


public Configured(Configuration conf)
Construct a Configured.

Method Detail


public void setConf(Configuration conf)
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Set the configuration to be used by this object.

Specified by:
setConf in interface Configurable


public Configuration getConf()
Description copied from interface: Configurable
Return the configuration used by this object.

Specified by:
getConf in interface Configurable

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