#Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one #or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file #distributed with this work for additional information #regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file #to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the #"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance #with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 #Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software #distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, #WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. #See the License for the specific language governing permissions and #limitations under the License. #!/usr/bin/env python """hodring launches hadoop commands on work node and cleans up all the work dirs afterward """ # -*- python -*- import os, sys, time, shutil, getpass, xml.dom.minidom, xml.dom.pulldom import socket, sets, urllib, csv, signal, pprint, random, re, httplib from xml.dom import getDOMImplementation from pprint import pformat from optparse import OptionParser from urlparse import urlparse from hodlib.Common.util import local_fqdn, parseEquals, getMapredSystemDirectory, isProcessRunning from hodlib.Common.tcp import tcpSocket, tcpError binfile = sys.path[0] libdir = os.path.dirname(binfile) sys.path.append(libdir) import hodlib.Common.logger from hodlib.GridServices.service import * from hodlib.Common.util import * from hodlib.Common.socketServers import threadedHTTPServer from hodlib.Common.hodsvc import hodBaseService from hodlib.Common.threads import simpleCommand from hodlib.Common.xmlrpc import hodXRClient mswindows = (sys.platform == "win32") originalcwd = os.getcwd() reHdfsURI = re.compile("hdfs://(.*?:\d+)(.*)") class CommandDesc: """A class that represents the commands that are run by hodring""" def __init__(self, dict, log): self.log = log self.log.debug("In command desc") self.log.debug("Done in command desc") dict.setdefault('argv', []) dict.setdefault('version', None) dict.setdefault('envs', {}) dict.setdefault('workdirs', []) dict.setdefault('attrs', {}) dict.setdefault('final-attrs', {}) dict.setdefault('fg', False) dict.setdefault('ignorefailures', False) dict.setdefault('stdin', None) self.log.debug("Printing dict") self._checkRequired(dict) self.dict = dict def _checkRequired(self, dict): if 'name' not in dict: raise ValueError, "Command description lacks 'name'" if 'program' not in dict: raise ValueError, "Command description lacks 'program'" if 'pkgdirs' not in dict: raise ValueError, "Command description lacks 'pkgdirs'" def getName(self): return self.dict['name'] def getProgram(self): return self.dict['program'] def getArgv(self): return self.dict['argv'] def getVersion(self): return self.dict['version'] def getEnvs(self): return self.dict['envs'] def getPkgDirs(self): return self.dict['pkgdirs'] def getWorkDirs(self): return self.dict['workdirs'] def getAttrs(self): return self.dict['attrs'] def getfinalAttrs(self): return self.dict['final-attrs'] def isForeground(self): return self.dict['fg'] def isIgnoreFailures(self): return self.dict['ignorefailures'] def getStdin(self): return self.dict['stdin'] def parseDesc(str): dict = CommandDesc._parseMap(str) dict['argv'] = CommandDesc._parseList(dict['argv']) dict['envs'] = CommandDesc._parseMap(dict['envs']) dict['pkgdirs'] = CommandDesc._parseList(dict['pkgdirs'], ':') dict['workdirs'] = CommandDesc._parseList(dict['workdirs'], ':') dict['attrs'] = CommandDesc._parseMap(dict['attrs']) dict['final-attrs'] = CommandDesc._parseMap(dict['final-attrs']) return CommandDesc(dict) parseDesc = staticmethod(parseDesc) def _parseList(str, delim = ','): list = [] for row in csv.reader([str], delimiter=delim, escapechar='\\', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, doublequote=False): list.extend(row) return list _parseList = staticmethod(_parseList) def _parseMap(str): """Parses key value pairs""" dict = {} for row in csv.reader([str], escapechar='\\', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE, doublequote=False): for f in row: [k, v] = f.split('=', 1) dict[k] = v return dict _parseMap = staticmethod(_parseMap) class MRSystemDirectoryManager: """Class that is responsible for managing the MapReduce system directory""" def __init__(self, jtPid, mrSysDir, fsName, hadoopPath, log, retries=120): self.__jtPid = jtPid self.__mrSysDir = mrSysDir self.__fsName = fsName self.__hadoopPath = hadoopPath self.__log = log self.__retries = retries def toCleanupArgs(self): return " --jt-pid %s --mr-sys-dir %s --fs-name %s --hadoop-path %s " \ % (self.__jtPid, self.__mrSysDir, self.__fsName, self.__hadoopPath) def removeMRSystemDirectory(self): jtActive = isProcessRunning(self.__jtPid) count = 0 # try for a max of a minute for the process to end while jtActive and (count> sitefile, topElement.toxml() sitefile.close() self.log.debug('created %s' % (siteName)) def _createHadoopLogDir(self): if self.restart: if not os.path.exists(self.logdir): os.makedirs(self.logdir) else: assert os.path.exists(self.logdir) == False os.makedirs(self.logdir) def _createXmlElement(self, doc, name, value, description, final): prop = doc.createElement("property") nameP = doc.createElement("name") string = doc.createTextNode(name) nameP.appendChild(string) valueP = doc.createElement("value") string = doc.createTextNode(value) valueP.appendChild(string) desc = doc.createElement("description") string = doc.createTextNode(description) desc.appendChild(string) prop.appendChild(nameP) prop.appendChild(valueP) prop.appendChild(desc) if (final): felement = doc.createElement("final") string = doc.createTextNode("true") felement.appendChild(string) prop.appendChild(felement) pass return prop def getMRSystemDirectoryManager(self): return MRSystemDirectoryManager(self.__hadoopThread.getPid(), self.__mrSysDir, \ self.desc.getfinalAttrs()['fs.default.name'], \ self.path, self.log) def run(self, dir): status = True args = [] desc = self.desc self.log.debug(pprint.pformat(desc.dict)) self.log.debug("Got package dir of %s" % dir) self.path = os.path.join(dir, self.program) self.log.debug("path: %s" % self.path) args.append(self.path) args.extend(desc.getArgv()) envs = desc.getEnvs() fenvs = os.environ for k, v in envs.iteritems(): fenvs[k] = v if envs.has_key('HADOOP_OPTS'): fenvs['HADOOP_OPTS'] = envs['HADOOP_OPTS'] self.log.debug("HADOOP_OPTS : %s" % fenvs['HADOOP_OPTS']) fenvs['JAVA_HOME'] = self.javahome fenvs['HADOOP_CONF_DIR'] = self.confdir fenvs['HADOOP_LOG_DIR'] = self.logdir self.log.info(pprint.pformat(fenvs)) hadoopCommand = '' for item in args: hadoopCommand = "%s%s " % (hadoopCommand, item) # Redirecting output and error to self.out and self.err hadoopCommand = hadoopCommand + ' 1>%s 2>%s ' % (self.out, self.err) self.log.debug('running command: %s' % (hadoopCommand)) self.log.debug('hadoop env: %s' % fenvs) self.log.debug('Command stdout will be redirected to %s ' % self.out + \ 'and command stderr to %s' % self.err) self.__hadoopThread = simpleCommand('hadoop', hadoopCommand, env=fenvs) self.__hadoopThread.start() while self.__hadoopThread.stdin == None: time.sleep(.2) self.log.debug("hadoopThread still == None ...") input = desc.getStdin() self.log.debug("hadoop input: %s" % input) if input: if self.__hadoopThread.is_running(): print >>self.__hadoopThread.stdin, input else: self.log.error("hadoop command failed to start") self.__hadoopThread.stdin.close() self.log.debug("isForground: %s" % desc.isForeground()) if desc.isForeground(): self.log.debug("Waiting on hadoop to finish...") self.__hadoopThread.wait() self.log.debug("Joining hadoop thread...") self.__hadoopThread.join() if self.__hadoopThread.exit_code() != 0: status = False else: status = self.getCommandStatus() self.log.debug("hadoop run status: %s" % status) if status == False: self.handleFailedCommand() if (status == True) or (not desc.isIgnoreFailures()): return status else: self.log.error("Ignoring Failure") return True def kill(self): self.__hadoopThread.kill() if self.__hadoopThread: self.__hadoopThread.join() def addCleanup(self, list): list.extend(self.workdirs) list.append(self.confdir) def getCommandStatus(self): status = True ec = self.__hadoopThread.exit_code() if (ec != 0) and (ec != None): status = False return status def handleFailedCommand(self): self.log.error('hadoop error: %s' % ( self.__hadoopThread.exit_status_string())) # read the contents of redirected stderr to print information back to user if os.path.exists(self.err): f = None try: f = open(self.err) lines = f.readlines() # format for line in lines: self.stdErrContents = "%s%s" % (self.stdErrContents, line) finally: if f is not None: f.close() self.log.error('See %s.out and/or %s.err for details. They are ' % \ (self.name, self.name) + \ 'located at subdirectories under either ' + \ 'hodring.work-dirs or hodring.log-destination-uri.') class HodRing(hodBaseService): """The main class for hodring that polls the commands it runs""" def __init__(self, config): hodBaseService.__init__(self, 'hodring', config['hodring']) self.log = self.logs['main'] self._http = None self.__pkg = None self.__pkgDir = None self.__tempDir = None self.__running = {} self.__hadoopLogDirs = [] self.__init_temp_dir() def __init_temp_dir(self): self.__tempDir = os.path.join(self._cfg['temp-dir'], "%s.%s.hodring" % (self._cfg['userid'], self._cfg['service-id'])) if not os.path.exists(self.__tempDir): os.makedirs(self.__tempDir) os.chdir(self.__tempDir) def __fetch(self, url, spath): retry = 3 success = False while (retry != 0 and success != True): try: input = urllib.urlopen(url) bufsz = 81920 buf = input.read(bufsz) out = open(spath, 'w') while len(buf) > 0: out.write(buf) buf = input.read(bufsz) input.close() out.close() success = True except: self.log.debug("Failed to copy file") retry = retry - 1 if (retry == 0 and success != True): raise IOError, "Failed to copy the files" def __get_name(self, addr): parsedUrl = urlparse(addr) path = parsedUrl[2] split = path.split('/', 1) return split[1] def __get_dir(self, name): """Return the root directory inside the tarball specified by name. Assumes that the tarball begins with a root directory.""" import tarfile myTarFile = tarfile.open(name) hadoopPackage = myTarFile.getnames()[0] self.log.debug("tarball name : %s hadoop package name : %s" %(name,hadoopPackage)) return hadoopPackage def getRunningValues(self): return self.__running.values() def getTempDir(self): return self.__tempDir def getHadoopLogDirs(self): return self.__hadoopLogDirs def __download_package(self, ringClient): self.log.debug("Found download address: %s" % self._cfg['download-addr']) try: addr = 'none' downloadTime = self._cfg['tarball-retry-initial-time'] # download time depends on tarball size and network bandwidth increment = 0 addr = ringClient.getTarList(self.hostname) while(addr == 'none'): rand = self._cfg['tarball-retry-initial-time'] + increment + \ random.uniform(0,self._cfg['tarball-retry-interval']) increment = increment + 1 self.log.debug("got no tarball. Retrying again in %s seconds." % rand) time.sleep(rand) addr = ringClient.getTarList(self.hostname) self.log.debug("got this address %s" % addr) tarName = self.__get_name(addr) self.log.debug("tar package name: %s" % tarName) fetchPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), tarName) self.log.debug("fetch path: %s" % fetchPath) self.__fetch(addr, fetchPath) self.log.debug("done fetching") tarUrl = "http://%s:%d/%s" % (self._http.server_address[0], self._http.server_address[1], tarName) try: ringClient.registerTarSource(self.hostname, tarUrl,addr) #ringClient.tarDone(addr) except KeyError, e: self.log.error("registerTarSource and tarDone failed: ", e) raise KeyError(e) check = untar(fetchPath, os.getcwd()) if (check == False): raise IOError, "Untarring failed." self.__pkg = self.__get_dir(tarName) self.__pkgDir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), self.__pkg) except Exception, e: self.log.error("Failed download tar package: %s" % get_exception_error_string()) raise Exception(e) def __run_hadoop_commands(self, restart=True): id = 0 for desc in self._cfg['commanddesc']: self.log.debug(pprint.pformat(desc.dict)) mrSysDir = getMapredSystemDirectory(self._cfg['mapred-system-dir-root'], self._cfg['userid'], self._cfg['service-id']) self.log.debug('mrsysdir is %s' % mrSysDir) cmd = HadoopCommand(id, desc, self.__tempDir, self.__pkgDir, self.log, self._cfg['java-home'], mrSysDir, restart) self.__hadoopLogDirs.append(cmd.logdir) self.log.debug("hadoop log directory: %s" % self.__hadoopLogDirs) try: # if the tarball isn't there, we use the pkgs dir given. if self.__pkgDir == None: pkgdir = desc.getPkgDirs() else: pkgdir = self.__pkgDir self.log.debug('This is the packcage dir %s ' % (pkgdir)) if not cmd.run(pkgdir): addnInfo = "" if cmd.stdErrContents is not "": addnInfo = " Information from stderr of the command:\n%s" % (cmd.stdErrContents) raise Exception("Could not launch the %s using %s/bin/hadoop.%s" % (desc.getName(), pkgdir, addnInfo)) except Exception, e: self.log.debug("Exception running hadoop command: %s\n%s" % (get_exception_error_string(), get_exception_string())) self.__running[id] = cmd raise Exception(e) id += 1 if desc.isForeground(): continue self.__running[id-1] = cmd # ok.. now command is running. If this HodRing got jobtracker, # Check if it is ready for accepting jobs, and then only return self.__check_jobtracker(desc, id-1, pkgdir) def __check_jobtracker(self, desc, id, pkgdir): # Check jobtracker status. Return properly if it is ready to accept jobs. # Currently Checks for Jetty to come up, the last thing that can be checked # before JT completes initialisation. To be perfectly reliable, we need # hadoop support name = desc.getName() if name == 'jobtracker': # Yes I am the Jobtracker self.log.debug("Waiting for jobtracker to initialise") version = desc.getVersion() self.log.debug("jobtracker version : %s" % version) hadoopCmd = self.getRunningValues()[id] attrs = hadoopCmd.getFilledInKeyValues() attrs = parseEquals(attrs) jobTrackerAddr = attrs['mapred.job.tracker'] self.log.debug("jobtracker rpc server : %s" % jobTrackerAddr) if version < 16: jettyAddr = jobTrackerAddr.split(':')[0] + ':' + \ attrs['mapred.job.tracker.info.port'] else: jettyAddr = attrs['mapred.job.tracker.http.address'] self.log.debug("Jobtracker jetty : %s" % jettyAddr) # Check for Jetty to come up # For this do a http head, and then look at the status defaultTimeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout() # socket timeout isn`t exposed at httplib level. Setting explicitly. socket.setdefaulttimeout(1) sleepTime = 0.5 jettyStatus = False jettyStatusmsg = "" while sleepTime <= 32: # There is a possibility that the command might fail after a while. # This code will check if the command failed so that a better # error message can be returned to the user. if not hadoopCmd.getCommandStatus(): self.log.critical('Hadoop command found to have failed when ' \ 'checking for jobtracker status') hadoopCmd.handleFailedCommand() addnInfo = "" if hadoopCmd.stdErrContents is not "": addnInfo = " Information from stderr of the command:\n%s" \ % (hadoopCmd.stdErrContents) raise Exception("Could not launch the %s using %s/bin/hadoop.%s" \ % (desc.getName(), pkgdir, addnInfo)) try: jettyConn = httplib.HTTPConnection(jettyAddr) jettyConn.request("HEAD", "/jobtracker.jsp") # httplib inherently retries the following till socket timeout resp = jettyConn.getresponse() if resp.status != 200: # Some problem? jettyStatus = False jettyStatusmsg = "Jetty gave a non-200 response to a HTTP-HEAD" +\ " request. HTTP Status (Code, Msg): (%s, %s)" % \ ( resp.status, resp.reason ) break else: self.log.info("Jetty returned a 200 status (%s)" % resp.reason) self.log.info("JobTracker successfully initialised") return except socket.error: self.log.debug("Jetty gave a socket error. Sleeping for %s" \ % sleepTime) time.sleep(sleepTime) sleepTime = sleepTime * 2 except Exception, e: jettyStatus = False jettyStatusmsg = ("Process(possibly other than jetty) running on" + \ " port assigned to jetty is returning invalid http response") break socket.setdefaulttimeout(defaultTimeout) if not jettyStatus: self.log.critical("Jobtracker failed to initialise.") if jettyStatusmsg: self.log.critical( "Reason: %s" % jettyStatusmsg ) else: self.log.critical( "Reason: Jetty failed to give response") raise Exception("JobTracker failed to initialise") def stop(self): self.log.debug("Entered hodring stop.") if self._http: self.log.debug("stopping http server...") self._http.stop() self.log.debug("call hodsvcrgy stop...") hodBaseService.stop(self) def _xr_method_clusterStart(self, initialize=True): return self.clusterStart(initialize) def _xr_method_clusterStop(self): return self.clusterStop() def start(self): """Run and maintain hodring commands""" try: if self._cfg.has_key('download-addr'): self._http = threadedHTTPServer('', self._cfg['http-port-range']) self.log.info("Starting http server...") self._http.serve_forever() self.log.debug("http://%s:%d" % (self._http.server_address[0], self._http.server_address[1])) hodBaseService.start(self) ringXRAddress = None if self._cfg.has_key('ringmaster-xrs-addr'): ringXRAddress = "http://%s:%s/" % (self._cfg['ringmaster-xrs-addr'][0], self._cfg['ringmaster-xrs-addr'][1]) self.log.debug("Ringmaster at %s" % ringXRAddress) self.log.debug("Creating service registry XML-RPC client.") serviceClient = hodXRClient(to_http_url( self._cfg['svcrgy-addr'])) if ringXRAddress == None: self.log.info("Did not get ringmaster XML-RPC address. Fetching information from service registry.") ringList = serviceClient.getServiceInfo(self._cfg['userid'], self._cfg['service-id'], 'ringmaster', 'hod') self.log.debug(pprint.pformat(ringList)) if len(ringList): if isinstance(ringList, list): ringXRAddress = ringList[0]['xrs'] count = 0 while (ringXRAddress == None and count < 3000): ringList = serviceClient.getServiceInfo(self._cfg['userid'], self._cfg['service-id'], 'ringmaster', 'hod') if len(ringList): if isinstance(ringList, list): ringXRAddress = ringList[0]['xrs'] count = count + 1 time.sleep(.2) if ringXRAddress == None: raise Exception("Could not get ringmaster XML-RPC server address.") self.log.debug("Creating ringmaster XML-RPC client.") ringClient = hodXRClient(ringXRAddress) id = self.hostname + "_" + str(os.getpid()) if 'download-addr' in self._cfg: self.__download_package(ringClient) else: self.log.debug("Did not find a download address.") cmdlist = [] firstTime = True increment = 0 hadoopStartupTime = 2 cmdlist = ringClient.getCommand(id) while (cmdlist == []): if firstTime: sleepTime = increment + self._cfg['cmd-retry-initial-time'] + hadoopStartupTime\ + random.uniform(0,self._cfg['cmd-retry-interval']) firstTime = False else: sleepTime = increment + self._cfg['cmd-retry-initial-time'] + \ + random.uniform(0,self._cfg['cmd-retry-interval']) self.log.debug("Did not get command list. Waiting for %s seconds." % (sleepTime)) time.sleep(sleepTime) increment = increment + 1 cmdlist = ringClient.getCommand(id) self.log.debug(pformat(cmdlist)) cmdDescs = [] for cmds in cmdlist: cmdDescs.append(CommandDesc(cmds['dict'], self.log)) self._cfg['commanddesc'] = cmdDescs self.log.info("Running hadoop commands...") self.__run_hadoop_commands(False) masterParams = [] for k, cmd in self.__running.iteritems(): masterParams.extend(cmd.filledInKeyVals) self.log.debug("printing getparams") self.log.debug(pformat(id)) self.log.debug(pformat(masterParams)) # when this is on a required host, the ringMaster already has our masterParams if(len(masterParams) > 0): ringClient.addMasterParams(id, masterParams) except Exception, e: raise Exception(e) def clusterStart(self, initialize=True): """Start a stopped mapreduce/dfs cluster""" if initialize: self.log.debug('clusterStart Method Invoked - Initialize') else: self.log.debug('clusterStart Method Invoked - No Initialize') try: self.log.debug("Creating service registry XML-RPC client.") serviceClient = hodXRClient(to_http_url(self._cfg['svcrgy-addr']), None, None, 0, 0, 0) self.log.info("Fetching ringmaster information from service registry.") count = 0 ringXRAddress = None while (ringXRAddress == None and count < 3000): ringList = serviceClient.getServiceInfo(self._cfg['userid'], self._cfg['service-id'], 'ringmaster', 'hod') if len(ringList): if isinstance(ringList, list): ringXRAddress = ringList[0]['xrs'] count = count + 1 if ringXRAddress == None: raise Exception("Could not get ringmaster XML-RPC server address.") self.log.debug("Creating ringmaster XML-RPC client.") ringClient = hodXRClient(ringXRAddress, None, None, 0, 0, 0) id = self.hostname + "_" + str(os.getpid()) cmdlist = [] if initialize: if 'download-addr' in self._cfg: self.__download_package(ringClient) else: self.log.debug("Did not find a download address.") while (cmdlist == []): cmdlist = ringClient.getCommand(id) else: while (cmdlist == []): cmdlist = ringClient.getAdminCommand(id) self.log.debug(pformat(cmdlist)) cmdDescs = [] for cmds in cmdlist: cmdDescs.append(CommandDesc(cmds['dict'], self.log)) self._cfg['commanddesc'] = cmdDescs if initialize: self.log.info("Running hadoop commands again... - Initialize") self.__run_hadoop_commands() masterParams = [] for k, cmd in self.__running.iteritems(): self.log.debug(cmd) masterParams.extend(cmd.filledInKeyVals) self.log.debug("printing getparams") self.log.debug(pformat(id)) self.log.debug(pformat(masterParams)) # when this is on a required host, the ringMaster already has our masterParams if(len(masterParams) > 0): ringClient.addMasterParams(id, masterParams) else: self.log.info("Running hadoop commands again... - No Initialize") self.__run_hadoop_commands() except: self.log.error(get_exception_string()) return True def clusterStop(self): """Stop a running mapreduce/dfs cluster without stopping the hodring""" self.log.debug('clusterStop Method Invoked') try: for cmd in self.__running.values(): cmd.kill() self.__running = {} except: self.log.error(get_exception_string()) return True